Rabu, 28 November 2007

Tips to Running a Blog for an Optimized Website

by Jonathan Peters

Are you looking for a new way to add some authority and relevancy to your website? There are countless companies and theories out there claiming they discovered the secret trick to uncovering the search engines' algorithms. Each one claims their techniques work best in the field of search engine optimization. The truth is when it comes to search engine marketing; nothing works so well but still is as simple and easy as maintaining a blog.
A blog helps your website by doing one thing and doing it better than any of SEO technique out there. It adds content to your website by regularly bringing fresh, theme related topics and more importantly keywords to a website. Since, your posts will mainly cover business and industry related topics, much of your content features highly sought relevant content. Here are some of the other reasons why you need to start a blog today for your website.
• The first benefit of writing a blog is for your website's visitors. There is no substitution for relevancy in the eyes of the search engines than high volumes of user traffic. Try to write your blog posts about industry news and events, new company products or promotions, public relations efforts, and even general conversations that may hold may hold some value for current and potential customers and clients. The flexibility of blog topics is pretty wide open but try to keep them related to the main theme of your website.
• Add new content frequently and update it often in the form of blog posts, the size of your site will grow with more and more pages gradually being added. Search engines have shown to prefer larger sites over smaller ones. If a website has more pages on a particular subject or topic, then it is a good probability that the website is more of a relevant authority on it over a smaller site. They reward what it considers to be authority sites and hub sites over small potentially spammy sites.
• You'll notice a boost in your rankings because your site is indexed much more frequently by search engine spiders. Since blog posts are added at a high frequency to your website, sometimes three or four times a week, search engine spiders will visit your site much more often. Regular and frequent indexing has been shown to increase a site's relevancy and in turn raise in the search engine rankings.
This is especially true for Google which almost always provides a boost in rankings to websites that are updated frequently. Their algorithm applies a fresh content bonus in their ranking factors for blogs are updated so frequently, even more so to ones done on a daily basis.
• Your site gets an extra SEO boost from a well thought keyword friendly blog post title. A good title needs to be able to achieve two things for your website. It needs to be rich in keywords helping the search engines understand what the post will be about since the title is the first thing the spiders will "see". Many blog hosts use the post titles as part of an individual page's URL. Secondly and most importantly, a well thought blog post title needs to grab the attention of any potential and reader and keep it. There is no point in writing a blog post if no one is going to read it. A great title is a good place to start.
• Blog posts usually have something to do with the website's theme and main topics. As a result, your blog posts tend to be very heavy with your website's most important keywords and keyword phrases. So, there is a good chance that every time you write a new blog post you will be adding relevant topics rich in keywords dealing with your market. Adding keywords to your site in this manner is looked upon by the search engines in a much better light through latent semantics than randomly dropping keywords into unrelated content. If your website has keywords placed in content unrelated to your website's overall theme, there is a good chance you will end up being penalized for spammy practices.
As you can clearly see, the future of owning a relevant website is moving towards maintaining a blog on it. There is no replacement for its powerful and frequently updated themed content and its authority status for their most important keywords in your market. Something no other search engine optimization services can offer.
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