Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

Avenues to Increasing Profits

by Kevin A Smith

When it comes to increasing profits, there are many avenues you could take. It's all about choosing the right ones and using them correctly. Getting straight to the point here, the following, are a few different points or suggestions that could be what you need to help bring in those extra dollars.
First it's important to make sure you are targeting potential customers, not any and everyone. This is how you will lose money for sure, and fast. Simply put, a waste of time. For example, if you sell sterling silver bracelets, you don't want to advertise to people just looking for bracelets in general. Being specific will help save you time and money.
Cross sell. This is a great way to help increase profits. Simply by offering related products and services. An example of this would be when you buy a new pair of shoes and they offer you water/stain repellent to keep your shoes protected. A very clever way to increase profits, is to offer something the customer may feel they need. Always attend to the customers wants and needs. Principle if you want to make money in any business.

If you're business doesn't have a website, you're business is in the stone age. Upgrade and get a website immediately. If you already have a website a message board is a great way to get customer feedback and tweak those problems customers may have.
Testimonials are an awesome way to help get that extra sale. It helps the customer feel more comfortable when they know someone that can say good things about something they're thinking about buying.
When it comes to advertising and pulling in those extra dollars, there are many ways one could go. Whichever way one chooses, it's important to be smart and not to jump out there, and spend money before you have done research and found you're target market. When you go in educated you narrow the risk.

Kevin Smith is a successful entreprenuer in the online market. For More Free tips visit http://www.effective-advertising.net and http://effective-advertising.blogspot.com

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