Rabu, 28 November 2007

Social Networking Communication - Using a Signature Tag For a Big Impact on Online Networks & Forums

by Felicia Slattery

Social networking at online forums for business is one of the hottest ways small business owners, home-based solopreneurs, and internet marketers are communicating with their target markets. But so many aren't taking full advantage of one aspect of this powerful medium.
Recently on a social network forum I frequent someone posed the following questions about your signature line or signature tag. The signature tag is the part of your message that gets placed below your name. Some forums automatically insert your tag that you write and save to your profile. In other forums, you have to manually type it each time you make a submission.
Here are the questions:
• Do you have any tips for someone looking to get into using a signature tag?
• Do you feel they are effective and worth your extra energy to attach to your posts & emails?
• How long is too long when it comes to a signature tag?
• Anything you see in regards to signature tags that you don't like seeing?
My Answer:
I don't see enough people using signature tags the way they should. Signature tags represent an opportunity for a powerful message. I personally do not have just one tag line. I select and add a signature every time I post.
My typical signature tag has one purpose: to build my subscriber list. But I also occasionally use it for other things, too. For example, on another thread I replied to someone who was asking about inexpensive ways to market her business. I gave her my answer and I talked about how to do something that I teach business owners how to do. Rather than making my post seem like an ad, I tried to give her some helpful hints, tips and advice, based on my professional experience. Then in my signature tag, I added the link to the product I sell that would help her (or others interested in the same topic) further.
• Your signature should have some sort of 1-2 sentence statement in it.
• You also need to include a live link to the place on your website where you want people to land. That may be your home page, but it could also be a special offer page.
The whole point of being active on social networking sites is to make connections with others so they get to know, like, and trust you. At some point they may want to do business with you... or they may never. But they will know who to refer friends and others to if they meet someone who needs your product or service. All they have to do is find any of your posts and visit the link. No link, no business.
Also, you have the opportunity to build your credibility with your signature tag. For example, I don't go around talking or writing about my credentials... it's a boring subject and looks like a person could be bragging. But by having my full name with those letters I earned after it, that's an understated message to the world that I know what I'm talking about.
Too long is when someone takes advantage of the space and launches a full-blown ad. It's like the only reason they're posting is to get that signature tag out there. Doing that is distasteful, transparent, and a bit "spammy."
Is it worth the extra energy? Since I get about 80% of my online business from social networking, I'd say a resounding YES!!!!!!
As you go forth and communicate on social networking forums for your business, keep in mind that your job in social networking is to build your credibility and attract business to you using pull marketing. That starts with a well-worded and powerful signature tag.
There are many ways to increase your credibility as a small or home-based business owner. I invite you to discover how to Increase Business by Communicating Your Credibility now. You'll get this FREE e-course designed to help you attract more business and get more cash flow. Pick it up here now: http://www.communicationtransformation.com/creating-credibility-ecourse.html

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