Minggu, 25 November 2007

List Building Expert - How To Become An Authority In Your Field

by Gary Baker

In order to build your list effectively it is necessary to become a list-building expert. This is not so hard to do. It is just a question of educating yourself and testing each and every method of list building that you use. When you do this you can quickly become a master list builder and also become an expert in your field.
Educate yourself: The best way to educate yourself on list building is to learn from experienced list builders. You can do this by reading their articles and joining quality ezines. There is a wealth of information to be learned from these publications and it is all fro free. Go to websites that are related to your business to find articles and publications.
However there is just so much you can learn from theory. Now you will learn the basic list building techniques from this information. But the real learning will come from hands on experience. It is scary but true, you will need to fall a few times before you can run!
Testing your list building efforts: The next logical thing to do is to test all the methods you try. This is the second and most important phase in your journey to becoming an expert list builder. Make squeeze pages for every method you use. This will tell you exactly how many people you have drawn to your page using a particular method. From this information, you can tell how many visitors have subscribed to your list. You can use a special web form exclusively for this purpose. These results will show you, which promotions are working well.
Do you want to know how I build my lists and make thousands of dollars per month from home?
Download my Free Report that'll show you:
"How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"
Gary earns over $100,000 per year on the internet and will show you all the secrets, tips, and tricks you'll need to succeed.

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