Selasa, 27 November 2007

Pay Per Click Search Engines And Your Offline Business

by Tanner Larsson

You've decided to set up a website for your offline business...
You've come up with a product or service that you think people will need and want. You've gone to the expense of having a functional and attractive website designed and established.
Now you are faced with perhaps the most difficult task of all when it comes to setting up and running a website: getting new, prospective customers to your site.
Today, I'm going to share with you bit about pay per click search engines. (For the sake of brevity, we will refer to pay per click search engines from here on out in this article as PPC search engines.)
In visiting with you today about PPC search engines, we will explain to you what a PPC search engine is in the first instance. We will also take a look at some of the advantages of PPC search engine, including:
-cost effectiveness
-the ability to target your market
PPC Search Engines Defined and Explained
A pay per click search engine allows you to open an account and deposit some money as a starting balance. Once your account is set up, you enter your site's URL, title and description and bid on relevant keywords.
When someone searches for one of your selected keywords, the details of your site appear, in the form of a search result with the URL, title and description you entered. If they then click on your listing, your account is debited the amount you have bid on that keyword.
Benefits to You of Using PPC Search Engines
Cost effective
PPC search engines are cost effective. Indeed, the whole point behind a PPC search engine is that you only pay for a hit that you actually get at your offline business website. And, many PPC search engine providers allow you to completely control the cost associated with each hit. As mentioned previously, you are able to bid on how much you will pay for each hit to your website.
When it comes to using a PPC search engine, all you really need to do is select your keywords, make a bid for hits received through these keywords and set up your deposit account. The rest is in the hands of the PPC search engine service.
Targeted marketing
Through the process of selecting your own set of keywords, you control to a very large degree who you will be seeking out as potential targets for your website.
Additionally, many PPC search engine services allow you to target your audience to a particular geographic region. This is a crucial element for an offline business using PPC.
In short, through PPC search engine marketing, you are able to control who is solicited to come visit your site in the first instance and what locals internationally will receive upfront information via keyword searches about your website and its products or services.
PPC Search Engine Resources
Since the creation of PPC search engines, aside from Google, two companies have been on the forefront of providing PPC services. Overture and FindWhat are the two most widely used PPC search engine providers.
Of the two operators mentioned, you will find that Overture is the largest and most all encompassing PPC search engine provider on the Net. At Overture, you have the ability to bid for rankings and to choose the description and title you want. This system will provide you with highly targeted contact with web users.
Industry insiders suggest that you will obtain far more hits by using Overture than any other PPC search engine service.
FindWhat works with you to distribute keyword text ads through a network of hundreds of high traffic Internet websites. FindWhat also provides more targeted services that allow distribution to smaller niche markets. As we mentioned to you before, targeted marketing is, in most instances, the most effective method of getting appropriate customers to your offline business website.
GoClick is yet another PPC search engine provider. GoClick has experienced an increasing market share in recent years. GoClick allows you to choose either having worldwide marketing or country by country promos, depending on your specific needs and desires.
There are literally several hundred-plus other PPC search engine services in operation on the Internet at this time. The resources we provide to you in this article will give you a starting point in your own search for the PPC search engine service that is most suitable to your present needs.
Tanner Larsson is the author of 'Streak Free Profits' a guide to starting your own profitable window cleaning business. He also publishes the Window Cleaning Success newsletter. To learn more and subscribe to his free ezine visit:

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