Senin, 17 Maret 2008

SEO and Social Bookmarking

by Robert Emmerson

How to Generate Traffic using Viral Marketing.
If you look around the internet at some Blogs, you will see a button saying something like "Digg this" or "" etc. These are shortcuts to some of the 46 plus "Social Book Marking" sites that have sprung up all over the internet. If you have ever wondered what those are or why they are there read on.
What a Social Bookmarking site is about is telling other members what you have seen, liked and why you liked it, on the internet. They are extremely popular right now, so they are a SEO dream.
If you draw the attention of the community, enormous traffic will be sent to your site. even if you don't you will come across the few that will like what you have and poke around your website. The bookmarks can be categorized in virtually any topic, so you wont be sending people looking for something totally unrelated to your site.
I have mentioned in prior articles the importance of building links to your site. Each post on these Social Bookmarking sites counts as a link to you. As I said there are over forty of these sites, so you could literally put forty links to everything on your site if you had the time to visit them all, but who does?
I have come across a very cool little tool, and yes it is free, to help with all of this. There is a site called "SocialMarker" that will allow you to post to ALL of them in an almost automatic way. You simply select which Social Book Marking sites to submit to from a list. You can pick and choose, with various types of sorting, from the most popular, to those that do follow, or just one or two you want to use.
I am not talking about spamming, I hate spamming. I am talking about semi-automating what you are doing. You will still have to enter the codes to prove you are human, and work through some quirks on each site, but instead of spending hours going from site to site you are brought to each site's submit section with the fields usually pre-filled for you.

If you are not a member of the sites you will need to become a member, which will take some time just filling in the forms and replying to the confirmation emails, but once you do that you are done.
Once you have become a member, all you have to do is click the button, or install the button on your browser (took me 3 seconds to figure that part out, it is just drag and drop). Hit the submit tab in the top right of the SocialMarker site, and you're off. When you are done on the first site click the next tab, and do the same thing, until you have submitted your website to as many, or few, of the Social Bookmarking sites that you choose.
A very big benefit of this is that your link will be noticed, and indexed by the major search engines sometimes within minutes. The reason for this is the popularity of these sites, there is constantly new information being posted, so the crawlers keep coming back for more.

So that is the free SEO tool of the week, I am off to finish registering for the other thirty sites I haven't done yet, and of course I will be submitting this article, along with my recent posts on Rob Emmerson's SEO Blog, as a favorite to each of the bookmarking sites, feel free to do the same.
Robert Emmerson is a freelance writer specializing in Internet marketing, SEO, Blogging, and making money online. If your found his article helpful, read Rob Emmerson's SEO Blog which is loaded with more useful content on this, and related topics.

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